Tuesday 28 July 2015

Day 49, Budapest, Hungary

Lanchid Bridge by night
Not many more special places than a river cruise on the Danube with a glass of bubbly to start writing today's blog. 
A busy day sightseeing, First the Budapest Palace, absolutely stunning plus the views from up high were beautiful.
Up at the Palace

Lanchid Bridge by day

Up that way on the funicular, a sort ride. A walk over the Lanchid bridge, dad keeps up well.
Another hop on the big red bus, to near the lake, and a nice afternoon tea there.
Seeing the sighs, walk from here to there and back again, all quite tiring, so back to hotel to plan the route for tomorrow's travel through towards Dubrovnik.
A cruise this evening on the river, drinks on the boat and live music, all very nice. Interesting, four people sitting close to use, looked thoroughly p#ssed off with life, grumpiest faces, no, didn't want a drink. Toddler with them, unhappy, grumpy too. Then a different lady with her mum and her toddler. Mum and daughter nice and chatty, dancing with the toddler to the music, happy toddler, just interesting to watch.
Anyway, the cruise was lovely, a balmy evening, music very enjoyable. A trio, with two violins and a cello, Hungarian folk stuff, quick tempo, excellent.

Being serenaded
Some spectacular views as we were coming back in, all these beautiful old buildings lit up with spotlights.
The Palace viewed from the cruise boat

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