Saturday 18 July 2015

Day 39, Assisi, Italy

Jazz session
Sometimes, if you sit very very still, you can catch the tiniest of breezes, which at the time feel welcome like air conditioning. It's 7.15 in the evening and I am in Perugia at the Jazz festival with a cold Heineken, and it's still 38 in the shade.
But the atmosphere is great, the town is really humming. Whole groups with matching T shirts, Birklee to Umbria  (the province) and they're all here for the Jazz. The views are spectacular, Perugia is on top of a hill, and it's old, so beautiful buildings and Piazzas for the jam sessions.
Very pleased I decided to come this way for the festival, so worth it. Drive home in the dark (that's a first here) was hilarious as I went around the same block 3 times before I realised I was taking a wrong turn! Bless my GPS.
Photos tomorrow, this will do for tonight x

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