Sunday 26 July 2015

Day 47, Graz to Budapest, Hungary

Frustrating start to the morning. I decided I should check what the Toll charge situation is in Hungary, didn't want a repeat of the other day and get another fine. Very sophisticated system, need to register on line and buy toll online, per week/ month/year. All very confusing, and time consuming, but finally got away at 11. 
And I went to three countries today! Austria, Slovenia and Hungary. 
The drive was just long and boring, straight road, got down to 18 degrees, so that was a bit chilly! 
Trouble finding the hotel, as GPS picked up the wrong street, why names two streets the same in a city I don't know. Anyway, took me 11 k's the wrong direction, but never mind.
Found it, feet up, beer, and then find some dinner before picking dad up at 11.00.
It's a lovely 25 degrees, so nice to be out in. The area I am in feels nice, it's very close to the centre, lots of little cafes and restaurants, but residential as well. Looking forward to exploring the city tomorrow. the airport to pick up dad.

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