Sunday 12 July 2015

Day 33, San Lazzaro, Italy

My reward for the slog uphill this morning

Knock on my door at half past nine last night, couple of English ladies next door inviting me for a drink. Very enjoyable finish to the day.
Up early this morning before it got too hot and walked to the village and beyond to have a look at the stunning view straight to Amalfi. Didn't realise we were really quite close (as the crow flies), it's only due to the bus stoping and winding its way that takes so long. I
I have noticed in this area in particular that any spare bit of land is planted up with veges of all sorts, clearly lots of people are very self sufficient. Probably a matter of having to be, there is a heavy reliance on tourism here but not much else in the way of available work. My host told me his son and daughter have both moved to Milan, just to get work. Son is a high school IT teacher, yet only earns about €1200 per month, $2000 NZ. And rent takes up half that! 
Anyway, a quiet day today, decided to clean my car, deserves a bit of TLC. Spent some time just in the village square, coffee, gelato, bit of research on my trip from here to Budapest. 
Funny, out for dinner tonight, this is how little the village is; all 3 lots of guests at my B&B ended up at the same restaurant for dinner!
Monastery just visible on the left, long way down!

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