Tuesday 14 July 2015

Day 35, San Lazzaro, Italy

My favourite food in Italy
A very small post today as quite simply I didn't do much! Knackered after yesterday, and feet protesting, shoot, I'm getting old! Walk around the village, sat and watched the world go by with a gelato. Bit more travel planning and booking, which does take a little time.
And that's about my lot. Had thought about Naples or Pompeii today but could not quite muster the energy.
9 days to get from where I am now to Budapest to meet up with dad. Maybe shoot up through Austria for a few nights and do some yodeling. The temperature is a little more agreeable there too, mid to high twenties so that is a quiet attractive at this stage.
Today I watched a man (while I was eating my icecream) try and hack though a wall in a house, to make a window i think, with a pick ax. Ten hacks with one hand, then swap to the other hand...A wall about 30 cm thick. That must be fun!

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