Friday 28 August 2015

Day 80, Toledo to Merida, Spain

Windmills, Don Quixote country
A loooong drive today, well, felt like it anyway. 
I left Toledo at 10 and arrived in my new town at 4.40, but a great drive through some beautiful countryside.
I first of all made a diversion, to take in part of the 'Don Quixote' trail. Don Quixote is the region's most famous, but fictitious son, in the novel, often regarded as the founding novel for modern European literature, Miguel Cervantes tells the story of Don Quixote De La Manche, a rather senile country gentleman who sets off on a mission to recreate the age of chivalry. Amongst the best known episodes in the novel is the section where Don Quixote picks a fight with windmills, imagining them to be dastardly giants. Quite a number of these iconic windmills are still proudly dominating the landscape. And I just had to see them! Very interesting visit, worth the walk up the hill only to discover I could have driven the car up, grr.
Just too cute!

Then I cut right across country to a town called Merida, which I am sure has something more going for it apart from being a perfect midway point for those traveling from Madrid to Portugal ( like me), but i didn't have the oomph to find it. But I loved the windmills today so was happy with my sightseeing efforts!

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