Tuesday 4 August 2015

Day 56, Solin to Seline, Croatia

Ah, Split. Where it is impossible to find a car park! Well, nearly. They must be expecting a lot of disabled people, as there were tons of parks for their cars, but very few for the tons of tourists. Finally lucky and a nice walk around town. Quite large, a big fish market, which we sniffed out from a hundred meters away.
The beach again...

A walk along the waterfront and then it was time to travel further north. Again, a nice drive along the Adriatic Coast line, people everywhere, and every inch of beach is taken. 
Dad and I keep saying, 'Bloody Albanians'. This is what the tour driver kept saying the other day and explained that during August and September a lot of Albanians from all over Europe travel home for the holidays, so the coast road going south gets extremely congested. So hence any large traffic line he would point at and say 'Bloody Albanians!' 
Another lucky shot with accommodation tonight, this one close to the beach, so a swim before dinner. Very rocky beaches along the coast here, so a little difficult to get into but the water is bliss.
Rocky beaches!
We're in Seline, which is north Dalmatia, still on the Adriatic coast, Croatia. 

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