Monday 17 August 2015

Day 69, Berlou, France

A beautiful sunny day, spent touring the French countryside, doesn't get much better. John had advised me on a route to take, which followed a river called the Orb, through wine country. Stopped for lunch in a tiny village called Roquebrun, had a swim in the river in Vieussan (this is more for my recall later) and coffee and afternoon tea further along again. Absolutely stunning vistas, little villages clinging to the side of the hills, green and lush, a lovely day.
Vieussan bridge & swimming spot

Finally got something niggly fixed on my car, I have done almost 9000 k's already, so am ready for the next part of the road trip into Spain.
John had friends over for a bbq, invited me too, which was very nice. Last night here in France.
Absolutely hilarious night, a great mix of people, including some Russian escapees, lots of laughs. Learned a new drinking game, ping, pang, pong. Great finish to my visit to France

The very French
green front door

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