Wednesday 30 September 2015

Day113, Ferreirola, Spain

Sunset on the way home 
I must have passed my trial period for sure, as this afternoon Inger left for Copenhagen for 6 days. Her husband will be here for the breakfasts and checking guests in and out but she has left the rooms up to me, which I'm guessing is quite a thing, as she is very particular. Not too busy for the next few days though, so I think I will manage.
Still looks inviting 
I dropped Inger off at the airport, in Malagar about 2.5 hours drive away. It's on the coast, the dreaded Costa del Sol actually. This part of the Spanish coast is very touristy, with it being a very popular holiday spot for the English. €200 per person gets you a week here in a hotel on one of those all inclusive deals (sausages and eggs for breakfast!) .
Anyway, it is a beautiful part of the coast and the temperature still a lovely 25 degrees, so I think I might need to go for another drive soon to get a few swims in before it's too cold.
The motorways 
The motorway is huge, with mind boggling viaducts that give you the creeps looking down. But it sure gets you there quickly. An ice cream on the beach halfway and home before dark.

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