Sunday, 13 September 2015

Day 96, Algoz Portugal to Casablanca, Morocco

My small bags for 13 days
Finished my packing this morning, very impressed by my own constraint and ability to squeeze all of this into a small carry on suitcase and bag! Three pairs of pants, a dress, a skirt, a cardigan and sweatshirt, 3 tshirts, 4 singlets, a long sleeved shirt, 3 scarves, 2 pairs of shorts just in case, underwear, toiletries, 3 pairs of shoes plus of course what I'm wearing, for 13 days.
Bijou dropped me off at the airport. Sat next to the smelliest man alive from Faro to Lisbon, and he kept insisting on raising his arms. I actually sat there with nose covered.
Flying into Casablanca 

Casablanca airport was a logistical challenge, passport checks took an hour and a half, then I attempted to find my person from Intrepid who might have been meeting me (due to my late booking it wasn't guaranteed). So I gave up and Cayuga taxi instead and was able to sit back and just look at the passing landscape. Must at this point mention the airport, where already I felt like I stood out like a sore thumb! Tall and blonde, I felt constantly stared at by other men in the cue. Where did all those other blonde women go I saw in Lisbon airport? Anyway, it will make for a fun couple of weeks. 
Taxi took me straight to the hotel, where I had missed the welcome from the guide at 6.00 (it was 8.00 o'clock by now) but I'll see them in the am.
Terribly brave of me, ventured out in the big city in search of food, and found a nice restaurant. No one here has heard about smoking outside only though and lots puffing away merrily over dinner. Must say, all women so far seen are all well covered so am pleased I am too in my long pants and long sleeved blouse. 

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