Sunday 6 September 2015

Day 89, Seville, Spain

Bike tour #2
Stuffed up this morning! Had booked a bike tour (had looked at a few different ones) that started at 10.30. Had to be there at 10.15, so I went and had breakfast first. While having that I double checked, only to find the tour started at 10.00. Oops, had to ring and cancel that. Luckily I found the one that started at 10.30, so did that one instead. It's such a great way to see a city, and it was beautiful and warm, early 30's again, so perfect.
Tobacco factory

One of the highlights; we stopped at what was built as a tobacco factory in the 1600's. Tobacco leaves came from Virginia, USA, and were processed here. It was so valuable that there was a moat around it and had it's own military, as well as a prison. It is now used as a university.
Jewish quarter
The Jewish quarter was very interesting too, very narrow alley ways. I really like Sevillle, spending the day here again tomorrow, but the accommodation is average so tomorrow evening another town an hour away.
I walked back to the Jewish quarter later in the afternoon, had dinner there and fancy bumping into two separate people from my bike tour, there were only 5 of us on it, so what are the chances of that!
Sat and listened to a great busker, harmonica, guitar and singing, very talented indeed.
Stunning buildings
Refreshing mfountains...

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