Sunday 27 September 2015

Day 110, Ferreirola, Spain

Yours truly has started work! I think I passed my trial period okay. 
First a leisurely breakfast with Inger and then clean the rooms. Well, used to doing that in the motels so no surprises or issues there, very straight forward. Except there's a lot of steps about the place so I'll be pretty fit in a couple of weeks, haha. It was Inger's birthday yesterday but today we shared morning tea with some Danish guests as well, so that was nice. A couple of them have been to Christchurch so plenty to talk about. And everyone speaks English. 
Thunderstorm this afternoon but later cleared up nicely for a walk around the village. It's really small an quiet, reminds me of Vellano in Italy during my first two weeks there. 
The village is situated on a big walking trail around the Sierra Nevada mountains, so plenty of people passing. Dinner out with Inger tonight at a wee restaurant/bar ten minutes down the road, that'll come in handy! First beer in almost a week, tasted good too.
I will probably only post a blog update every couple of days while here, not much happening to report on!

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