Tuesday 15 September 2015

Day 98, Meknes to Fes, Morocco

Volubilis archaeological site
Some very good news last night, Shaun's visa into the UK has been accepted, so happy campers we all are. I'm meeting up with him early November in Sheffield, near Manchester.
Oh my, been a long day and we've done so much, finishing with a wonderful arrival at our accommodation, so let's think where to start.

First up, a drive to the most southern Roman archealogical site in all of Europe, Volubilis, where we had a guide take us through the Roman city remains. Very interesting, most of all the mosaic that survived. A lot of damage was done to the site by the 1755 Lisbon earthquake. 
Next up, back to Meknes, where we visited the local markets. These are the markets where the locals come daily to buy there fruit, vegetables and meat, as well as spices. Oh, if I could bottle the smells and take it home, how wonderful that would be. There were huge displays of olives, sweet cakes, but also pigs trotters, goats heads (!) and live chickens. I loved the buzz of the markets. Later we visited the grain stores (granary) from the 1700's, which were built to ensure the 12,000 horses, owned by Moulay Ismail, the ruthless leader of Morocco at the time. There was enough grain stored to feed the horses for 10 years!
Welcome at the riad 

Then a visit to the burial place of one of the Kings, but by now we're all getting a tad tired and hot!
Tonight we're staying in Fes, well, 3 nights actually, so that's nice. It's in a Riad, which is like an old house with a little courtyard in the middle, and just super! We were greeted with mint tea, a wee rest and then taken to our lovely rooms, have a look at the pictures, I have tried to capture, but hard to do!
The 'window' in my room 

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