Friday 2 October 2015

Day 114 & 115, Ferreirola, Spain

I knew it would be quiet and peaceful here, and it is exactly that. Yesterday a drive to a nearby town for a cuppa and to have a look at some shops, and this morning to Pitres to the market. Time has stood still here. Veges are bought at the market, the baker comes every day with fresh bread. When you go for a walk you can come back with raspberries, almonds, figs, and that's just what's growing wild. 

Fountains in every village 

Work is fairly straightforward, cleaning, laundry, ironing. I get spoilt every morning with a lovely breakfast with fresh fruit, homemade bread and jams. There's a lovely couple staying here from Denmark with a wee 5 month old boy, Alfredo, and we spent a fair bit of time chatting. 
Most days I go for a walk on one of the many tracks.
I spent quite some time today looking at flights for my Asia trip and will get those booked soon. 
And that's all the excitement I can handle for the day. 

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