Sunday 11 October 2015

Day 122, 123 & 124, Ferreirola, Spain

Everything old...
So easy to disappear into the rhythm of village life here in South Spain. I was meant to have gone yesterday; my two weeks were up, but it was an easy decision to stay on another week.
Days flow into each other, work is busy enough, almost full house every night, but certainly most is done by 2, just some washing to mind later. Then there's always another walk I haven't yet done, yesterday we went to a wee village that's the highest in Spain; there was an artisan market there, so a nice hustle and bustle and off course we had to stop for wine and tapas.
Lasse, May, Inger
and baby Alfreddo 
May and Lasse left yesterday, and a shame to see them go as they were always lovely to chat with.
Tonight Inger had organised lamb chops at the local ('Carlos') especially for me, so that was very tasty.
I booked almost all my flights through Asia today, 7 in total, so took a bit of fiddling but mostly done.
It was a very dull and drizzly day today, and much cooler than it has been. A walk to nearby Fondales helped me blow the cobwebs. I will soon have to buy some warmer clothes, argh!

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