Tuesday 6 October 2015

Day 118 & 119, Ferreirola, Spain

Phew, half way!
Yesterday I felt extremely pleased with myself as I managed a three hour walk, down to the river, back up the mountain, along a road, back down and up again, man, my legs got a workout. The weather was perfect, not too warm and overcast. Off course I don't look anything like the other hikers that stay at the B&B; all of them seem to buy there clothes at the same 'hiking' store,haha, except the Danish couple who are just like me. Anyway, that's another walk under my belt, and my feet can just be quiet tomorrow!
Pretty views

Had a lovely dinner with May and Lasse (the 'Danes'), great to hear about different countries and their customs. 
Today after finishing work I went first to the beach and then to Malaga to pick Inger up from the airport, which was quite confusing but we finally managed to find each other!

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