Friday 25 December 2015

Day 198, Kanchanaburi to Chaing Mai

Sunrise on the Kwai

Christmas Eve and we are on an overnight train from Ayutthaya to Chiang Mai.
So last night on a boat and tonight on a train. Didn't get an awful lot of sleep last night though; we had skinny thin mattresses and it was extremely hot, plus some of our members had fun snoring! 
Coffee while watching the sunrise from the back deck was stunning and next was breakfast. Back to the guest house in Kanchanaburi so we could all shower, which was bliss after all the 'perspiring' we had done. Quick catch up with wifi and then away for a two hour drive to Ayutthaya where we had the option to either visit 3 temples or stay at the hotel and go swimming. Yes, I hate to admit but I chose the latter, together with 3 others. A very refreshing swim, absolutely lovely after the heat, then time for some dinner and a beer, after all it is Christmas Eve!
Beer, beer, beer, pizza
We caught the night train at 8.00, and it is so clean and tidy and well organised. My bed is huge, already made up with sheets and pillow, a wee curtain for privacy.
Amy gracefully took the
top bunk
We've all put our Christmas wishes out for tomorrow; did we want to go biking or zip lining, cooking class or white water rafting. Oh the choices! 

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