Sunday 20 December 2015

Day 194, Bangkok. Thailand

Last day in Bangkok for a couple of weeks, thank goodness, not mph city sorry to say. Even our Intrepid guide said tonight, either temples or shopping in Bangkok (he forgot the massage!).
Walked to Khao San road with Kelly as I wanted a couple of tshirts to take with me on this trip, and she needed a couple of things before leaving this afternoon. 
Back and caught up with Lynn after her naughty night out, haha and hung around the pool until they caught a taxi to leave for the airport and flights home. Neat to meet and great company the last two days.
Then time to meet my roomy for the next two weeks. Amy is 21 and from Brisbane and easy to chat with, so it's good to find another happy roommate. We went and got a beer and then time to meet the rest of the tour group, the 4 Americans I had already met, 2 other younger girls, one from Ireland, one from Switzerland, and then an older couple from Aussie and a couple of singles my ages. So a nice mixed bunch. We all had dinner together and plenty of laughs already so I think it's going to be a fun few weeks. 

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