Friday 25 December 2015

Day 197, Kanchanaburi, Thailand

View from the river

After breakfast this morning we headed to the river and boarded our home for today and tonight; a longboat! We are motoring now, gently down the river Kwai. The boat is actually 3, or 4 counting the tug boat! The two big boats contain toilets (known as Happy Rooms in Thailand), a bar, Karaoke tonight, and the dining room. Next boat has the sleeping area; we're all on mats and tonight the mosquito nets and sleeping bags will be out. The last boat is small and has 4 easy loungers on it for snoozing in! There's also rubber tubes. A blissful breeze on the river keeps the temperature pleasant.
On the boat

After an hour or so we walked up to a temple, 700 step, excellent views up top although a little hazy. Lunch was superb, served by our own cook on the boat.
A pleasantly lazy afternoon, another stop at a temple, more steps to work off lunch, and the first good coffee for ages.
Steps & more steps
Back on the boat, floating in a tube behind the boat, chatting quietly with others on the group, reading and finally dinner and Karaoke, a great social night. 

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