Saturday 5 December 2015

Day 179, Orchha, India

At the Raj Mahal
A great sleep in the luxury tent, very special. This morning we visited the Raj Mahal (not the Taj Mahal, that's in a few days). Built in the 16th century, it was a gift to a Hindu ruler from a friend and only used for one night by him! Boasting 235 rooms, it is quite sizeable. 
Hand painting 

And after that we had free time, yay! We had an excellent Americano coffee from a real espresso machine. Then we wandered around town and the markets and had the loveliest shopping experience. The four of us all bought little trinkets, anklets, earrings etc. the stall holders were so lovely, giving us little bracelets, stamping 'henna' on our hands, bindis on our foreheads. We attracted a crowd watching us, wanting photos with us, all smiling and happy. It was the coolest shopping experience I have had for a long time, and the others felt the same.
Happy to pose
Lunch in town afterwards, just great sitting up on the balcony, kids getting on the schoolbus, waving at us, as well as adults. We're quite clearly a novelty here still, as tourists and made to feel welcomed.
Kathryn with friends 
We had an impromptu dance session with some Indian musicians after dinner and a walk around town after dinner had us posing with people who wanted our photos. Such an awesome day in Orchha. 

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