Monday 7 December 2015

Day 181, Chandiri to Agra, India

Kashak Mahal 

A visit this morning to a number of local memorials, a museum, rock paintings and a hunting lodge. We had our same guide from last night and the Kashak Mahal stood out for me. Built in 1445, it was originally 7 stories high, but an attack ion the early 1800's left it badly damaged. It was built as a victory memorial by the Sultan of Malwa, who was also keen to help the local people by offering them employment. It is dramatically beautiful, with impeccably kept gardens. 
View from the hunting lodge
After the museum we visited the rock paintings, discovered by our guide 20 years ago, and date back 30,000 to 6,000 BC. A cuppa chai tea and biscuits, with the stunning scenery in the background, quite unreal. Lunch was a 'picnic', deliciously cooked by local women, and served at the hunting lodge, dating from the 1500's, while sitting on a huge rug. Very special. The sad story of how this huge gate was carved out of solid rock by a mason in the 1500's, only for him to realise when he had finished that he was meant to charged the hinges for the doors as well. To add them afterwards would weaken the gate. After being told of his error, he went home and committed suicide.
The fateful gate

We traveled in 4wd's to a town only 40 k's away, but took us 1.5 hours over extremely bumpy roads. Sitting in the back, squashed together with Kathryn, Mary and Sara, but plenty of laughs anyway, and still being waved at! Unfortunately the train to Agra is delayed by 1.5 hours, so sitting on he platform waiting while writing my blog. We were served dinner on the train, a dubious assortment of which most of us ate little, although the ice cream went down a treat. While going to the bathroom, Mary noticed all the leftovers and rubbish, bundled together in a rubbish bag. Next thing the train door was opened and the rubbish thrown out of the moving train. There, dealt with, just like that

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