Tuesday 9 June 2015

My first stop...Dubai

Day one.

The adventure has started. I can't believe I'm doing it. A simple enough idea; pack my bags and go. And so I did and here I am.
First stop Dubai for 3 nights. Left Christchurch at 4 on Monday and arrived here the following day at 2 NZ time. Only 6 in the morning here, so a full day ahead.
First impression of Dubai is incredible, a true oasis in the dessert. To think the city has really only started to be built since the late 60's when the first oil was struck! There is obviously great wealth, and the city reflects this. Malls continue to be built, one more extravagant than the next, including one I visited today, which had a full 3 storey aquarium in it as well as 2 huge waterfalls. Off course the world's tallest building is here, the Burj Khalifa. The Old Dubai is on my list for tomorrow.
A swim in the hotel room and an early night I think. Th heat is stifling , i think it's early 40's today,!

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