Friday 19 June 2015

Day 11, Vellano, Pescia, Italy

Streets of Lucca
Piazza del Anfiteatro
Me and my bike

Had a great night out last night. The live music was certainly entertaining and there was Italian folk dancing, think line dancing! The lemonchellos went down a treat, so a slow walk home uphill.
This morning I was brave enough to have my hair cut. Between the hair dresser not knowing any English and me only knowing how to greet her in Italian (that does not get you very far!)
I put my faith in her hands.
I did bring a picture of myself, showing her how I usually like it, but not sure if she had her eyes averted, as the final did not look anything like it. I kept telling myself there is only 2 weeks between a bad haircut and a good one. So all is good, it will grow back, haha!
This afternoon I visited (again) the beautiful city of Lucca, only 20 km’s from Pescia. It is absolutely lovely. It has a very well preserved Renaissance wall encircling the entire historic city centre, which you can bike and walk over. Its total length is 4 km’s and I thoroughly enjoyed my ride in the shade of the trees. Next down into the city centre. Absolutely everyone bikes here, locals and visitors alike. The locals are easily recognised, as they smoke, talk on their cell phone or eat while biking!  
The visitors are the ones with the maps.
I got pleasantly lost in the city centre with its winding narrow cobble stoned streets. A stop for a coffee and some date cake and off again, to the beautiful Piazza dell Anfiteatro. I totally love this town, it’s very pretty and although there are plenty of visitors it doesn’t have that hyped up touristy feel with tacky stalls selling souvenirs. I may just have to come back before I leave Tuscany next week.

On top the tree lined city wall

View towards Lucca

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