Friday 12 June 2015

My first day in Europe- Day 4

My wee car for the next five months!
Tonight's accommodation

A short blog tonight as a tad tired. A full on day, up early to get to the airport for my flight from Dubai to Rome.The contrast between Dubai airport with all it's extravagant fixtures, futuristic looking lifts and metro system to get from the main departure & check in area to your designated gate and Rome airport is very sharp. Rome was packed to capacity, took close to an hour just to get through passport check alone! There was fighting at the luggage carousel as it was so hard to get to your suitcase.
Ahhh, but going outside was bliss. A mild 26 degrees was so nice compared to the furnace like temperatures in Dubai.
Then it was time to collect my EuroLease. With just 8 km's on the clock, she's brand new and I get to drive my wee Peugeot for the next 5 months. It didn't take me long to feel comfortable driving on the right side of the road and thank goodness for GPS!
Luckily I found my accommodation without too much effort; a lovely converted farmhouse.That's my place to rest for tonight and tomorrow I'm off to Pescia (Tuscany) for two weeks.
Now I'm going to wander into town and find me some food and a vino.
Catch you and thanks for checking out my blog!

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