Sunday 14 June 2015

Day 5 & 6, Vellano, Pescia, Italy

View from my window

No blog yesterday as I didn't have internet access where I was staying. Oh, how we have come to rely on it!
When I think about it, it's pretty amazing I have internet access now! I am staying in a tiny village called Vellano, near Pescia in Tuscany. The village is more than 800 years old, with the narrowest cobbled streets and winding paths. No cars can actually get into the village, as the paths are a mere meter and a half wide! Vellano is my home for the next two weeks, as I have rented an apartment.
The owner is English and very hospitable, having already introduced me to some of the locals, and we met for dinner last night at the local bar. 

Today I went for a drive to Lucca, only 25 k's away. I thought I was in the twilight zone, as every second person spoke Dutch, obviously just happen to have a lot of visitors in town from Holland.
The streets of Vellano
My driving is going pretty well; I have not yet strayed onto the wrong side of the road, and not yet gone to get into the wrong side of the car. The only thing I keep getting mixed up is my seat belt; when I go to put it on I reach to my right, instead of left.
I have actually unpacked my suitcase, as I am staying here for two weeks. I have clearly brought far too many clothes with me and obviously never counted on having to lug my suitcase through a village like this, and up numerous narrow steps, I will develop some impressive muscles before long!

The next couple of weeks will be spent exploring Tuscany. Some days I will drive and see where the road leads, other days I will just be around here and explore the local area. The weather is great, nothing crazy like 44 degrees (although yesterday hit 36), but today and the rest of the week is meant to be mid to high 20's, bliss.

Anyway, not much to report today, some some lovely pictures to share. Catch you soon x


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