Friday 20 November 2015

Day164, Delhi, India

A barren view over India
A long trip, basically awake for 48 hours before landing in Delhi. A ten hour stop in Dubai took a while, I was actually one of those bums sleeping on the seats, just for 30 minutes, but that tied me over. A bumpy flight out of Dubai, and I felt quite conspicuous as I was the only non-Indian on the plane!
Was met at the airport by my pre-arranged driver which was great as the airport was busy and I would have had to haggle for a good price.
I can't say much about Delhi yet, but one thing is for sure, thank goodness I decided not to drive here as it is total bedlam on the roads. No one sticks to the lanes, it's zigzag everywhere and every driver toots at least every minute. The 26 kilometre drive from airport to hotel took over an hour and I must say I struggled to keep my eyes open. I seem to be staying in the thick of things, market in full swing in the front of the hotel when I checked in. 
That's all I have got, I ordered room service but hope they are quick otherwise I will be asleep before it gets here.

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