Monday 9 November 2015

Day 153, Dubai, United Emirates

On the dhow 
Happy Birthday to my dad, 83 today!
A great day in Dubai today. First off to the markets, where my haggling skills impressed Shaun. To start at 250 AUD and buy it for 60 AUDI. Yep, I learned after my last visit for sure.
Sunset over the desert 
We got a few bits and pieces, very overwhelming the constant attention, Pasmima for madam, while they drape one over your shoulder. I just kept walking, but he came and claimed it, that should teach him. It does make it hard to buy anything, as you really can't just browse, you need to know you want a belt and some sunnies, like Shaun and then work out a price. Anyway, it was fun. Next, a trip on a Dhow, a flat boat, which for the sum of 40 cents took us across the river to the spice souks. The boat is so basic and great to be on the water. The captain was operating the dhow in his bare feet. Uniform shirt on, but bare feet.
Back for lunch to the hotel and then off out again to a desert safari. A 4wd through the desert, watched the sunset, then to the camp, where we went on a camel ride, saw belly dancing, had a lovely dinner (with a beer, finally) and smoked shisha.
Belly dancing 
A great evening and a great day, which concludes the first half of my trip. Tomorrow we fly back to Christchurch for Mel's wedding on Saturday, but stay tuned as on Monday I will leave again for India. I will keep daily posts while in New Zealand. 

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