Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Day 168, Delhi, India

Mayhem at the airport 

Early morning Delhi, the sun just up and bathing everything in a golden misty hue. The street vendors getting their wares ready, attempting to sweep the street around their stalls. Men with carts selling tea are busy with people on their way to work. People sleeping on the sidewalks with whole families, are appearing out of their shelters, some preparing something hot on an open fire; night are cool now so a hot drink must be welcomed.
Such was my view this morning on the way to the airport, yet again. And yet again the flight to Srinagar was cancelled, but only after first an hour and a half delay, then another hour and a half waiting for my luggage and then queue along with all the others, not just my flight but another 4 at least, trying to get a refund, as I am not attempting this again tomorrow!
Funny though, being the sole white, blonde female around, again I stood out, and a lot of people recognised me from yesterday's cancelled flight and smiled, acknowledging me and some even came and shook my hand. Felt like a celebrity! But genuinely nice people, someone even kindly lend me his phone so I could ring my host from the houseboat, as he was coming to collect me from the airport, so I wanted to save him the trip.
Back at the hotel, day's almost gone, but I decided to go for a walk and had a Thai massage. Holy Moses, I don't think my body was meant to bend into some of those positions, but it was good anyway.

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