Wednesday 11 November 2015

Day 154 & 155, Dubai to Christchurch, New Zealand

And....we're back in Christchurch! Lost pretty much a whole day, as we left on Tuesday am and arrived here Wednesday afternoon. The flight from Dubai to Sydney was absolutely fully booked, so we didn't even sit together. Throw in a few screaming toddlers, 13.5 hours in the air with your front neighbours chair in your lap, and you have the recipe for an awesome time (not). However, it's the only way from A to B. A 3.5 hour stopover in Sydney and then a short 3 hour flight home.
Aaron, Hannah and Keith there to collect us, and a lovely home cooked dinner, plus a quick catch up with Linda & Dean afterwards, and I am ready for bed.
Left the boys and Hannah playing Nintendo, zzzzz.

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