Friday 6 November 2015

Day 150, Sheffield England to Dubai, United Emirates

Today was a travel day and goodbye to Europe. 
Up at 4, to collect Shaun and drive to Manchester airport, drop the car off and all that carry on. Went smoothly, no rushing and both our sense of direction is spot on we have discovered as we found the car rental place through a maze of roundabouts and no signage! 
Cuppa at the airport and a last minute rush to the gate (where did that 40 minutes go?).
A good and felt like a quick flight to Dubai where we picked up by the hotel.
Dubai is blissfully warm after Sheffield's cold and rain, even when we went for a walk for dinner at 9.30.
The hotel is nice, very new, swimming pool, so I am sure we will use that in the next three days we're here.
No pictures, didn't get a chance to take any today, but will catch up again tomorrow.

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