Saturday, 30 January 2016

Day 235, Bangkok, Thailand

Chaos at the border crossing 

And so we have come to the last day of the tour of Cambodia.
It was nothing like I expected, but then again, I am unsure what I really did expect, except that this wasn't it.
I was unaware of the story of Cambodia, maybe that's ignorant. I did know about the Killing fields but I didn't know the history behind that, as well as the current political situation and how volatile it still is and how unhappy and scared its people still are with its government.
How the tour guide needs to check if it's okay to speak his mind.
I have added this little piece from Wikipedia for your information:

The current Prime Minister is Cambodian People's Party(CPP) member Hun Sen. He has held this position since the criticized 1998 election, one year after the CPP staged a bloody coup in Phnom Penh[1][2] to overthrow elected Prime Minister Prince Norodom Ranariddh, president of the FUNCINPEC party. Hun Sen has vowed to rule until he is 74. Hun Sen is a former Khmer Rouge member who defected and oversaw Cambodia's rise from the ashes of war. 
His government is regularly accused of ignoring human rights and suppressing political dissent. After the 2013 election results, disputed by Hun Sen's opposition, demonstrators were injured and killed in Cambodia in protests in the capital where a reported 20,000 protesters gathered, some clashing with riot police.[3] From a humble farming background, Hun Sen was just 33 when he took power in 1985 and is now in the unenviable company of enduring dictators such as Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe and Kazakhstan's Nursultan Nazarbayev.[4]

So basically, the country is ruled by a dictator and corruption is rife. Our guide's favourite saying is 'anything is possible in Cambodia', meaning anything is possible if you have the money. But despite the corruption and sad history, it was a very interesting visit and also culturally ric
Luggage cart,
highest quality 
Today we drove from Cambodia back to Thailand, a 9.5 hour journey including stops.
Farewell dinner in Khao San Rd in Bangkok, some live music afterwards, good night out. 

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