Saturday 16 January 2016

Day 221, Saigon, Vietnam

Saigon Post Office 1886
Don't do this very often, but writing this blog after consuming 4 very fine Johnny Walker Red Labels with ice, so I think it will be a short one.
Received some very sad news a few days ago about a beautiful friend and mum who has been diagnosed with liver cancer after battling cancer about 18 months ago. And battled she has, plenty of it, only to be told this is it. It's been pretty tough news and hard being away from everyone. So tonight I had a whiskey for her.
We flew into Saigon this morning, renamed Ho Chi Minh in 1976, but still called Saigon by most Vietnamese. Phew, it's certainly a bit warmer here! We walked through the city on arrival, saw the replica Notre Dame, where every brick and stained glass window was brought over from France in the 19th century, and the beautiful Post Office.
Replica of Notre Dame
Lunch and some free time (used to buy some shoes for dressing up) and then time for a show, called the 'AO show', a local dance production. A very special show, contemporary dance, totally Vietnamese theme and beautifully performed in an absolutely stunning theatre.
Afterwards we went for a few drinks, hence the whiskeys. 

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