Wednesday 17 February 2016

Day 253, Delhi, India

At the Taj
An early start; we were up before 6 and picked up by car at 7.00, to be taken to Agra and the Taj Mahal.
A bit of a drive first to the other side of Delhi, even at that early hour and no traffic it took 45 minutes, then on the new express way for 185 km's straight, no exits! And then we were in Agra.
This small city only has a population of 4 million and has two most significant monuments; the Taj and Agra Fort.
The crazy streets of Agra
We were met by our guide for the day, Shaan Kahn, who was both informative and helpful with taking photos. He took a real shine to Shanna, actually said 'you must get proposed to every day, you are so beautiful'. He even asked her what she looks for in a man! It was very funny and I think Shanna was really quite flattered.

After lunch at a nice restaurant, all included in the Amin Day Tours price, we stopped at a workshop/ shop where they inlay stones into marble, very much like the artists did at the Taj Mahal. It was interesting to see how it's done and I couldn't help myself and bought a wee souvenir (yes, I know, the purpose of bringing me there).
Filing down the stones to be inlaid 

Next was the Agra Fort, and even though I have seen it before, again it was interesting to hear its history, especially mingled with Shanna being chatted up by Shaan! 
And then time to drive back into peak hour Delhi traffic. 

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