Thursday 11 February 2016

Day 247, Mumbai to Udaipur, India

At Lake Pichhola 
Beautiful Udaipur!
What was only a one hour flight actually took us 6 hours of travel; first taxi to airport (took us to incorrect terminal to start with, but got it right in the end), then wait at airport, flight, taxi from airport to Udaipur and then a 15 minute walk, as the town is closed to traffic for some festival.
We already started liking the town walking through it (although we got asked over and over again if we wanted a tuk tuk to our hotel).
Veges anyone?
Then we arrived at our guesthouse, a typical Udaipur style house, 4 stories, marble staircase and tiles everywhere and only 12 rooms. It's quaint with lovely window seats ( where I am sitting now to write this), simple but clean. We had a look at the rooftop restaurant first with great views over the town and then decided to go for a wander.
Street scenes 
In our first 5 minutes I think we saw more foreigners than we had in the 4 previous days in Mumbai. Shopkeepers are all keen to entice us in, but friendly and courteous if you decline. The streets wind up and down, some leading to the huge lake, Pichhola Lake. W
We took a leisurely stroll and then Shanna found a dress she liked for the pool party; made to her measurements only $16.00!
Hello cow!
The town feels so friendly and interesting; we are going to be very happy spending the next few days here for sure.
Sunset from the rooftop restaurant 
Dinner on the rooftop while watching the sunset was stunning, the food delicious and the owner came over and had a chat too. Overall a very very nice evening. Apart from me and an internal thought that slipped out! Shanna had ordered a beer and when it arrived it was a very big bottle. 'Oh, that's a big one ' she said to the waiter. So than I commented 'I bet you say that to all the boys' (yes, I should have just thought it). And with that, he cracked up laughing; his English was obviously quite good! 

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