Wednesday 10 February 2016

Day 246, Mumbai, India

Seagulls in full flight 
We decided we needed to do some more shopping today as we need a few different outfits for this wedding, so we took a taxi back to the Gateway of India. We had another look around there but unfortunately there was some official function happening, so we couldn't access it.
 We did however feel like celebrities for a wee while, as the locals wanted to have their photos taken with us! First one, then his friend, then others saw an opening, and before we knew it we had them lining up, funny!
Nagina hairdresser
Pleased that's a 'N'

We found a street with lots of stalls and shops, so headed there for some serious bartering. First stop was for some beautiful pashminas, next blingy jewellery for the wedding. The more we shopped, the more we got hassled, as the stall holders must have thought we were big spenders. I found another nice dress for the 'pool party' part of the wedding, worn with the most unflattering leggings underneath. At least they're not on show! Shoes for Shanna, and then we were almost done.
Chow patty beach
Stopped and had a coffee and cake at Leopold Cafe, a bar and restaurant established in 1871, and it featured extensively in my favourite novel Shantaram. We just happened to stumble across it.
Next we went back to see some artists we had passed yesterday on our tour, in particular photos taken by children, involved with 'Art Room ', a trust which utilises the medium of art to empower children and women of marginalised communities. We purchased two each, and were so happy with them.
Best mates
Next we saw something very unpleasant; an obviously poor man carrying his child, and when he spotted us he took the child's arm and deliberately hurt it (to the point of trying to make it making it bleed) in order to get us to give him money. We had by then already turned away from him, and he was running after us, very uncomfortable situation, combined with a random wildly barking dog in the middle of the road. We managed to duck into a very handily placed cafe and spent some time calming down.
Altogether an interesting day, but we both agree we have had enough of the big city (22 million inhabitants in Mumbai!)

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