Thursday 4 February 2016

Day 240, Chiang Mai, Thailand

Mama Thai Food, yum
A quiet day in Chiang Mai. Inger wanted to get her hair done and we had seen a hairdresser yesterday on a particular street, so we went back there, but although we walked up and down this stretch numerous times as well as at different times of the day, the hairdresser had disappeared!
We did find another one, so she got her appointment after all. 
We also went and got a massage (for Inger) and a manicure (for me). She loved her massage, but I think I had the very worst manicure this side of the equator. I reckon all the good manicurists are working in New Zealand as this was so bad I had to tell her how to do her job. Eventually I ended up taking the polish off later in the afternoon. Just pleased I didn't get shellac! 
We did plenty of walking around the local area, bought a few souvenirs, enjoyed a nice lunch and then dinner in a very local restaurant, Mama Thai Food, excellent meal and great value too. (2 dinners with 3 beers, total $12). 
Got our laundry done, just so cheap, $2 for a kilo. Living cheap here as you can see, which means I can spend some more on souvenirs.
Like I said, a quiet day, one of my last in Thailand. 

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